University of New England 2020

Blog Post #10- The Revision Process

Based on the comments that I received during our peer review session of the first five pages of our final papers, I feel as though I am in a good place to continue the revision process. After discussing my presentation draft with my peers I feel as though I have set some very strong ground work for the final version of the project. I think the biggest thing that I will be focusing on is adding stronger evidence to the work. As of now my work is primarily driven by my thoughts and ideas, however I think it will be more beneficial to comb through my sources once more and really find evidence that will both back my claim and provide an argument against my claims. I wish to still include both types of evidence in order to strengthen my thoughts. I want my help my readers see potential arguments and my thoughts and reasonings against such.

In addition to adding this evidence, I think I will have to delete some of my own work to make sure that I have room so to speak. I intend to keep this work that I have done for the final paper, but I do not believe it is necessary to include in my presentation. Also, I plan to make some simple edits regarding some of mu sentences that contained extraneous fraising. It’s my home that by deleting some of this wording it will both make room for more evidence, as well as make my points that much clearer.

One thing that I feel as though is a strength in my project currently is my organization. Both rereading it for myself and reading peer feedback has told me to stick with my organization scheme at the moment. Though I do recognize I may have to rework some of my section to fit with the new information I will be adding. This may cause me to have to restructure a little bit, though I do not believe it will warrant any huge changes to the format of the presentation. Moving forward to the essay I think I will also stick to my current format while I add my second claim along with the evidence and critiques that accompany that.

1 Comment

  1. Mira

    After reading the first paragraph of this post, I realized you and I have worked in almost exact opposite ways (at least to start). I located almost all my evidence before developing my own thoughts. Initially, I had a vision, but the evidence wasn’t supportive of it, so my vision shifted to follow the evidence. I think this displays the flexibility of the writing process and how different methods work for different people. Sometimes, different projects also require a different process. It sounds like you’re laying out a strong argument and counterargument which is an effective move. You also seem to know what to keep and what to delete which can be one of the hardest parts of the writing process. After listening to your in-class presentation, I also feel like your organization is coherent and fluid.

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