
“Perhaps one person can make a change, but not the kind of change that would raise your body to equality with your countrymen” (Coates 96.)


            This quote is set in a section of Coates’ work where he is discussing the concept of history. According to Coates history is in the hands of the story teller. Whoever is writing the history will automatically favor themselves and their triumphs. Shortly after this quote, Coates goes on to say that historical and societal change does not and cannot happen from the efforts of just one man. He uses examples such as the Revolutionary War as well as the Civil War to show that it takes events that are quite large to truly shift societal norms and views. He uses this argument to confirm his beliefs in the quote found on page 96, it is unreasonable to put the weight of change on one individual.

            After reading Coates’ beliefs about societal change, I could not but help think back to our in class discussion about the power of our vote. We discussed the common mindset in today’s society that sees voting pointless in such large elections, seeing as one vote is such a tiny percentage of total votes cast. I am curious to see what Coates would say to such a belief. Based on the reading it would seem that Coates believes it is not the responsibility of the individual to create change seeing as, in his opinion, it owes the world nothing. However, I think Coates would also argue that change does not happen without a collective effort, as we see when he discusses the major events in history that created social change. Taking this into account I think Coates would be in favor of encouraging people to vote. I believe Coates would say that it is not the job of one person to make the decisions rather a collective responsibility and effort. Though this is conjecture based on the writing of Coates, I would be interested to ask him where he believes the individual ends and the group begins. After all a group or society is made up of individuals.


Do you agree with Coates? Is change dependent on the individual or the collective society?